We travel to Ibiza to talk to the designer of the Spanish crystal dress that conquered Netflix
Learn about the story of Javier Osorio, David Guetta’s couturier who has sneaked into ‘You’
Andalusian, French, Ibizan… Art and good taste run through the blood of designer Javier Osorio, a reason that would be more than enough to fly to the island of Ibiza, to the heart of the 7 Pines Resort, and see, in first person , the secrets behind his eponymous firm. But we have one more powerful reason. His small project that was born more than ten years ago between the dressing rooms of the most prestigious nightclubs in Europe, has ended up conquering the costume directors of one of the most viral Netflix series of the season, You.
Our conversation in Pitiusan lands takes place under the sunset and in front of Es Vedrá, the most energetic corner of the world; a magical moment in which she confesses to us how she began designing the viral crystal fringe dresses that top model Kate Moss herself could fall in love with. With a spectacular parade that closes the first parade organized by NM Events Ibiza, they have shown us the power of their very expensive moving designs that conquer the jet set.

What are your coordinates?
I was born in France, close to Germany and about 75 kilometers from Luxembourg; but my roots are Andalusian, between Granada and Cádiz. My family is one of the Andalusians who emigrated to France. At the age of four we moved to Barcelona, and at 18, I settled in Ibiza. When people ask me where I’m from, I always say the world.
Before getting into fashion, you were already an artist. How did you get started in the world?
Yes, I really studied music from the age of ten, I was in the Higher Degree at the Conservatory, but I was two years away from being a teacher. With the rebellion of 18, I came out of the closet, I became independent, I began to study makeup and I gave up the piano.
¿Y alguna vez te había interesado el diseño de moda?
No, well… I don’t really know, because if I look back, I remember that I took my pants and customized them. Basically it all started there. At that time I worked at parties and discos in Ibiza, I started dancing, and then, quickly, I made the costumes for the go-gos, I even made my own! Since I arrived on the island, it has inspired me a lot, its crystal clear waters, the sunsets on the beaches of Las Salinas… Everything is reflected in my proposals.

When did you start the project?
In 2012, but with men’s fashion! Basically because when I went out to party I liked to customize my vest, my sneakers, my jeans, and everyone told me, where did you buy it? He made very little women’s clothing; some bikini, top… That’s where I stopped my personal project and started working with David Guetta. After that stage I collaborated with a company called Nuart – very good in shows – and it turned my life upside down. I closed my store, because it was really what I liked, what I could create.
What was your first contact with fashion?
After starting out in show business, David Guetta’s team contacted me to work with him. The commitment was to have the more than 200 looks of the show ready in record time, we had to do the entire production in five days. I spent three days without getting up from the couch at home with friends, one cutting chains, the other cutting feathers, four dressmakers sewing me… I organized myself and got ahead. The concerts started at twelve thirty at night and the last costumes left at my house at two thirty in the morning. I live 150 meters from Pachá and they left directly. After that, I earned the job until they left, it was the year they liked them the most!¿Cómo pudiste afrontar este importante encargo?
I am very good at working under pressure. I like it, I am very solvent when it comes to getting things done.

The designs have that Cabaret nod…
Yes, very Mouling Rouge! Lots of feathers, everything very big. It depends on the design, they have between 1,800 to 2,500 fringes and weigh between a kilo and a half to three, but you don’t notice anything! When all clients try it on, they experience that the weight is distributed, you don’t notice anything. The patterns are made with two layers of transparent tulle, typical of wedding dresses with a nude effect. It is hinted at but nothing is seen, it has a lot of sensuality.
We could say that your path and inspiration when creating comes from the world of entertainment…
Yes, all that fused with glitter. When I started creating the brand, I was asked “what kind of clothes do you make?” And I didn’t know how to define it, because we didn’t have photos yet, I didn’t have anything… I said it was the typical thing you would wear when you want to go somewhere and have people wonder about you. I love doing something that doesn’t leave you indifferent. I have known what the elite want; For example, when someone enters a site and they say who she is. My designs are limited edition, exclusive models, they are sold in Ibiza, and from there they go to the whole world.
Why party dresses?
I made all the bikinis, corsets, skirts… A little bit of everything. But then I focused on the dresses, because in the end it is much easier to sell, it is a unique piece, the client looks divine when she puts it on. Plus, women spend more than men! I started making street clothes, but with a different touch… I think that something is missing within Adlib and Ibizan fashion, and not everything has to be white and the same. I have made a bridal collection focused more on white.

How many designs do you make?
We can only make about ten dresses or so a month, until recently it was our limit. I take care of the first sample and those that are last-minute orders that are out of stock and production. They come with a certificate of authenticity indicating the number and size.
Who makes them?
I can sew and I know how to sew, but I don’t like it. And I think there will always be someone better, within sewing, it is a very big world. Sewing lycra is not the same as sewing materials with rhinestones or some harder ones like jeans… When I had to do it for myself or the dancers, I sewed it myself, but the moment I decided to create a luxury brand, that’s when I understood that although I could do it, I didn’t do it with the same quality as others.
What is your secret to embroidery?
For me it’s like meditation. When I’ve been embroidering the dresses for two hours, sometimes the walls eat away at me, that’s why I’ve found my talisman and I think it brings energy to the piece. When I embroider each fringe (we make them by hand), with the first stitch I always say ‘protection, love, health’, also another phrase ‘I love myself, I love myself, I respect myself, I value myself’, and ‘peace, love and happiness ‘, this is how I continue throughout the series! It’s meditative, everything about doing accounts de-stresses me, what stresses me out is doing it with a deadline and deadline, that’s when you want to go faster, and no matter how much you want to, you can’t do it.

How many designs do you make?
We can only make about ten dresses or so a month, until recently it was our limit. I take care of the first sample and those that are last-minute orders that are out of stock and production. They come with a certificate of authenticity indicating the number and size.
Who makes them?
I can sew and I know how to sew, but I don’t like it. And I think there will always be someone better, within sewing, it is a very big world. Sewing lycra is not the same as sewing materials with rhinestones or some harder ones like jeans… When I had to do it for myself or the dancers, I sewed it myself, but the moment I decided to create a luxury brand, that’s when I understood that although I could do it, I didn’t do it with the same quality as others.
What is your secret to sewing?
For me it’s like meditation. When I’ve been embroidering the dresses for two hours, sometimes the walls eat away at me, that’s why I’ve found my talisman and I think it brings energy to the piece. When I embroider each fringe (we make them by hand), with the first stitch I always say ‘protection, love, health’, also another phrase ‘I love myself, I love myself, I respect myself, I value myself’, and ‘peace, love and happiness ‘, this is how I continue throughout the series! It’s meditative, everything about doing accounts de-stresses me, what stresses me out is doing it with a deadline and deadline, that’s when you want to go faster, and no matter how much you want to, you can’t do it.

The ‘Athena’ dress has sneaked into the ‘You’ series, how did it happen?
I don’t even know, honestly. I guess through Annie’s Ibiza. I was in Asia on vacation, and I found out from a good friend who sent me the photo of the actress Tilly Keeper, who plays the character of Lady Phoebe in the fourth season of You. It is true that we have been contacted by Netflix and Movistar Plus, but normally we do not have stock and we cannot leave the looks. Although next year we appear in a Spanish series to which we have donated seven garments.
What will your next collection be like?
The collection I want to make for next year is on the theme of oil, we have to take care of this sea. It is what also attracts all tourism, but so that it is not so demanding, because in the end I work for a jet set. Commercially we have named it Opal, which is a precious stone that has all those characteristic tones of oil: litmus, green, gold, navy blue…
How do you work? Do you design several collections a year?
As work? How can I, basically, because every time I decide to make a design, it’s 50 hours of work. Unfortunately – let’s say, more than luckily – I can only normally launch one new dress a year. I could go to India and have the dresses embroidered there, but they would be knotted, you would pull on the fringe and it would break, who can assure me that they will continue to be exclusive? I like that they have that love with which they are made.
Have you designed any brides?
There are many brides who have bought us as a second look. Likewise, there are girlfriends. It’s the first one we made, the iconic one, Sofía, and it has been a top seller. I was surprised because I said, how can someone buy this? Play a lot with sensuality. I have always said that there is a very fine thread between the vulgar and the elegant, and I love walking that tightrope. I love the “what do you see, what don’t you see” dress. Osorio is used for events, a cocktail, to go out, for a special occasion…. You always want to stand out, even if you already feel pretty, you like to feel sexier, that’s an Osorio!

How would you define the girls who wear your designs?
Women have that power to transform from being a chameleon, and with an Osorio you achieve it. Wearing it is a good way to get people to look at you. You appreciate that it’s not done in five minutes. Apart from limited edition collections, I also make custom-made items. The high society clients are the ones I like the most because they are the least visible. You see them on the street and it seems like they don’t have anything special, they are normal people, but then they have so much that they don’t have to pretend. They ask me to make exclusive designs for them and we personalize them, the color, the length…
Is there an official store?
No, we don’t have a store now. In 2012 it did and everything changed with a client’s visit. He told me that the shirts were too expensive for those who didn’t have money, and too cheap for those who did. I listened to him, raised the price to 95 euros, and I was successful! He sold around eight T-shirts every day and opened the store for only two hours at night. I was very happy because it was my dream, I opened my store, I was selling, everything was going well, but it was a sacrifice for me… I decided to collaborate exclusively with the well-known Annie’s Ibiza store, it took three years and we were out of stock! He opened another business in London, and he was very afraid because he didn’t know what was going to happen…
I was used to selling in summer, but by opening in winter and having a website, we had to produce all year round. We start with a size M only, and then we expand to the others. But the total of ten dresses that you can make a month, between three designs, is becoming very complicated, it has been crazy over the years. There were clients who had to wait a month and a half or even two months for a dress. I am very grateful and very happy for everything that people have been able to see through her, I think we have both grown a lot together. My dresses were one of the top sellers the first three years.
Any celebrities who have worn it?
Rita prays! And we were going to give it to Paris Hilton to wear at her wedding, but in the end we didn’t.
Kate Moss is also a fan of Annie’s Vintage…
Yes, but as far as I know Kate Moss doesn’t own any of my dresses.

And now?
Just a week ago a client from St Barths, who has a boutique store, just bought me 12 dresses, which were the only stock I had left. Right now we are in Ibiza, London, Palm Beach, Miami, Orlando… The problem is that we cannot really produce for so many people, we can make an average of about 15 dresses a month, but we cannot make 20 or 30, it’s very complicated. When I was little they told me, what do you want to be when you grow up? And I said, I’m going to be famous and now look… But what I don’t want is for him to know what my face looks like. I am very energetic, if I don’t get a good feeling, I don’t want you to be a client. I have had opportunities to give designs to famous people, but honestly I don’t need it or want it, because we can’t produce more.
Which celebrity would you like to dress?
I don’t watch television, I don’t use social media… I’m a hippie locked in a modern world! I am happy on the beach, with my umbrella, sarong and little else. What’s more, many of the friends I have on the island know me as the boy with the necklaces on the beach. Las Salinas is my office, whenever you want to find me, I will be there because for me it is the only area that has not changed anything. I live in 2000, I don’t know powerful names, apart from Rosalía. But I would love Taylor Swift, basically because the little I know about her is that she is one of the best-known superwoman. And from the old school, Sarah Jessica Parker, Celine Dion, Madonna, Beyoncé, Kate Moss and Cindy Crawford.

How do you see the future of fashion?
I didn’t like it when all the models are very scrawny and very thin. I know a woman has to have curves! I like that a curvy girl can be sexy too and she shows it on social networks. For next year, do a campaign with this type of models. But it’s true that since I come from the world of nightlife, I’m used to only doing one type of body and it’s not something I’m proud of; If I could change anything, it would be that. And if we don’t do it, it’s not because we don’t want to, I would love to, it’s because we can’t do more production.